Epic Matches
Register for the qualifiers and get a chance to show everyone how good your team is. Every match promises to be hot — are you ready to feel the taste of victory?
Win or Lose
The maximum intensity of passions, the strongest rivals, the most advanced weapons and a fierce battle — not everyone will reach the final. And it depends only on you and the team whether you will leave as winners
Powerful Fighting Game
Sub-Zero vs Scorpion? Raiden vs Jade? Choose your character and fight to the last to get the reward
Epic Matches
Register for the qualifiers and get a chance to show everyone how good your team is. Every match promises to be hot — are you ready to feel the taste of victory?
Win or Lose
The maximum intensity of passions, the strongest rivals, the most advanced weapons and a fierce battle — not everyone will reach the final. And it depends only on you and the team whether you will leave as winners
Powerful Fighting Game
Sub-Zero vs Scorpion? Raiden vs Jade? Choose your character and fight to the last to get the reward
About the championship

CP Championship — grandiose and large-scale esports championship in CS disciplines:GO and Dota 2. But before you get to the final, you will have to pass the qualifying stages to prove that you are worthy to fight for the main prize. Assemble a team and register!

Qualifying round

April 17 - Septenber 19, 2021

Prize pool

(to be replenished)

1 000 000 rubles

Grand Final

September 25 (IT Park)


1000 +
Championship VIP-guests

Дмитрий Смит
Аяз nAts Ахметшин
Михаил Dosia Столяров
Volga region
1 000 000 rubles
Prize fund
More than 18 registered teams
in each discipline
